Again, another day late, but Mommy's been sick again- this time with bronchitis! I should go to bed, even as I type, but I've got to write my right hand man a letter before the week gets too busy. You were 18 months old yesterday and that is just plain nuts. When I reread your 16 month letter, it seemed like I still writing to a baby.
Of course, by now you've been in the big boy classroom at school for almost 2 months and you have truly learned SO much since being there. You already had great language skills and even since have had an explosion in language, now speaking in 2-3 word phrases at a time. It's amazing to hear the possessive's that you use (Daddy's hat, Mommy's coat, etc.) Sometimes we wonder where in the heck you learned some of it- it seems that you are just that tuned in to our language. For instance, when we say, "Pick you up?", you say back to us, "Pick me up." How in the world can you know me instead of you or I? You even say 'I want...', isntead of 'me want, etc'. Pretty nutty. We have learned that you have an incredible memory that surprises us all the time. You also know all of your numbers except 1, 9 and 10 and can count from 2-10 alone! My favorite thing you say right now is "Hi, Mommy" anytime I enter the room and "Bye Bye Mommy" when I leave you at school in the morning. You also are starting to use 'please' appropriately.
Lately, you have been eating better and have even tried some hamburger and chicken at school. This weekend you ate eggs and black beans for the first time and we even snuck some spinach into your cheese quesadilla. You still love 'grilled cheese' and ask for it and 'applesawce' every time we put you in your high chair. In your 16th month letter, I mentioned that you were getting your 5th tooth, but it never came.....until this month- you now have 6. Last week you were up most every night saying 'teeth' and 'mouth', but we have yet to see any new teeth or molars. You are finally outgrowing your 12 month clothes and seemed to have a little growth spurt in the last few weeks. 12-18 mo. clothes from Old Navy and Gap fit you best, but you can wear some 18 mos. elsewhere as well. You have adjusted to your 1 nap a day at school finally, but still would rather it be earlier on weekends. You seem to fit in with your big boy class better than I could've imagined. Starting next week, you won't be the youngest anymore and a new baby starts her journey in the toddler classroom. You still love to be outside and LOVE your wagon, swing and jogging stroller. Inside your new favorite toys are your slide, your choo choo train and your pull back cars. Mommy plans to buy you some new big boy toys this summer;) shh...don't tell Daddy! When we are outside, you always have to have a piece of chalk in our hand and ask us repeatedtly if we will draw you kitties. Speaking of kitties, you are starting to learn their names and tell them 'Night, night' every night before bed.
I can't believe there are only 4 more weeks before we get to spend each and every day together for 10 glorious weeks. We are going to have SO much fun. So far we have you signed up for Little Gym classes once a week and swim twice a week, I'm sure we'll hit the pool much more than that. Mommy will also have to be creative and find some rainy day activities and some story groups, etc. That reminds me, we have started taking trips to the library every few weeks and you love it there. I hope that you will become more fond of the books as you get older and not want to just run around...ha.
We go to the dr. tomorrow and you only have to get one shot. I'm excited to see how much you've grown and to find out what to expect the next 6 months. Notable things we have planned before my next letter are trips to OBX, of course, saying goodbye to your classmates for the summer and family portraits (so excited). I'm sure we'll find more trouble to get in just as soon as we're out of school for good. Gage, we love love love you and are thankful every day for you. You continue to amaze us (as I say in all my letters) and I am so lucky to be your Mommy. You are my everything.
P.S. You say MoMMy now!
1 comment:
Happy 18 months Gage!!! He is doing so well in everything! What a smart little boy! Keep up the good work Momma! In other news - I hope you are feeling better Bronchitis is no fun... I was out of commission for a week a few months ago. It was horrible! Also - I'm re-doing Week 2 of the C25K. There was no way I could do Week 3, so I'm going to use this week to be more solid before moving up.
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