Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happy 2 year Blogiversary to Me!

Two years ago today, I started my blog in anticipation of my little man's arrival.  Now 370 posts and 180 followers later, I'm pretty satisfied with what I have created.  Sure, I'd like to advertise and have a few more followers, but with working and being a Mommy full time I'm content with the content....ha.  I have met more than a few cool people that are now my Mommy blogger friends and have gained many new insights into motherhood and life.  It's a work in progress, but something I'm going to enjoy one day looking back on it.

To celebrate, I'd like to give my blog a facelift.  I've always done it myself, with the help of a few Internet friends here and there, but I think this month, I'm going to pay someone to do the whole shebang.  I just have to figure out what kind of theme I want, etc.  If you know of any good and affordable blog designers or any good websites to see samples, let me know.  Until then, Happy 2 years to We're In For It!

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