Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday- I was soo excited!

This guy was one of the animals at the Easter Festival we went to on Saturday!  I have never seen a peacock spread his feathers!  I was so thrilled!  Isn't he beautiful??

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Lincoln Lawyer: Review

On Saturday night, we got to indulge in something we rarely get to anymore.  Ah...the simple pleasure of the movies.  I used to LOVE seeing movies before Gage... and before they were $12 a pop.  Anyway, we didn't even know what was playing, we just knew we had a babysitter, since Grandma and G'Diddy came to visit.

The Lincoln Lawyer was really the only movie we could agree on.  It had gotten good reviews and had some pretty good actors, so we gave it a whirl.  I don't particularly love Matthew McConaughey, but he was damn good in this movie. Ryan Phillipe wasn't too hard to look at either.  And Luke loves him some Marisa Tomei, so we were both happy with the end product.  I won't ruin the movie for you, but if you like a good 'legal thriller' this is a movie for you.  For some reason, I have always had a thing for court case movies.  It was just right for me, I didn't have to think too hard, but it kept my interest.  It didn't drag on, like I feel most movies do these days.  It was a good story and probably an even better book, which I would love to read if I ever find the time again.  Perhaps I'm just easily amused these days, as I don't get out much, but I think most men and women would enjoy this film.  And if you read the book, let me know...

Monday, March 28, 2011

What a Wonderful Weekend!

*Warning:  This post contains LOTS of pictures.*

I left off last, last Wednesday was a long time ago, when Gage was still sick.  Luckily, after being seen by both the pediatrician and ENT on Wednesday and a few rough days at daycare, we finally have a well baby!  In the interim, we also had a visit from the Grandparents and Old Man Winter. 

This weekend my parents came to visit.  With them, they brought the wagon they bought Gage for Christmas. We couldn't fit it in the car on the way home and it was pretty  much too cold to use it before now anyway, so we were really looking forward to the weekend.  Last weekend was beautiful and we couldn't wait to get outside and play.  Unfortunately, Mother Nature didn't want to cooperate as much this weekend and the high was expected to reach only about 50. We were pretty disappointed but because it was so sunny, we decided to take a risk and head outside to play, even if it was barely 50 degrees.  Boy, did we have a blast!  I am so glad that we decided to head out and Gage definitely had a wonderful weekend with his Grandma and G'Diddy! 

Loungin' in his new wagon

Ready for some off roadin'

Sidewalk chalk!
We hadn't planned much for the weekend since it was going to be cold, but we decided we had to get out of the house.  We thought about trying to find some sort of feed and seed store where Gage could see baby bunnies or chicks, but with no luck.  I actually came across a blog Go Out and Play! from a Mom in my area that fills other Moms in on all of the around town happenings.  That's how we found out about the 1st weekend of an Easter Festival in our area.

A farm not too far from us was hosting an Easter Festival that looked like it had tons of fun for little ones.  It definitely didn't disappoint.  Of course we can see that Gage would have a total blast there in a few years, we still enjoyed ourselves.  Because it was chilly, there were very few people there and Gage had acres and acres of room to run around.  There were slides and playground equipment to play on, as well as many tunnels to climb through and tractors and trucks to look at.  There were monster slides for older kids and lots of sweet treats, too.  There was a fire pit to make S'mores, but much to my husband's dismay, the cotton candy machine was shut down, due to lack of traffic:( We can't wait to go back next year!

Gage LOVED the slide!

Can you tell?  This was his face every time he went down!  Hilarious!

Baby Goats

 Lots of tunnels to climb through

Gage and Mommy on the hayride

Along the hayride they had many cutouts of different animals....from turkey to dinosaurs!  Pretty funny!
 We also had another visitor this weekend- Old Man Winter!  Don't ask me where it came from, but it definitely snowed Sunday morning!  Gage was so excited to be able to wear  his Thomas boots. We bought them for him a while back but he never learned to walk before the snow was gone.  So, although Gage has seen plenty of snow in his short life, this is the 1st time that he has been able to stomp around in it.  And as you can see, he is more than thrilled!  Funny that it melted less than 10 minutes later.

My first snow stompin'

Look at me, Daddy!
Other pictures from our weekend.  Thanks Grandma and G'Diddy, we had such a great time!

Mommy, Gage (16 months) and Grandma

One of Gage's new favorite activities

Gage's Easter present from Grandma and G'Diddy

Gage put himself in this box
Playin' ball with Grandma

 And finally, my new favorite picture!

  Hope you enjoyed!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday- Things that I dislike

Ear tubes, that clearly do not prevent ear infections, as they are supposed to.

The dreaded ear drops that, although they help the infection, I have never heard my child scream so loud in his life.

The fever that will NOT leave my child!

The sound of my sweet baby coughing all through the night, allowing NOONE to sleep.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Pow Pow Power Wheels....

Yeah, so he doesn't quite know how to use it yet, but boy is he going to love it this summer!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Three things.....

1.  My sweet little "baby" slept on this at day care on Thursday. He's officially a big boy now.  *tear*

2.  Gage's new Power Wheels Daddy bought him
3.  Unfortunately how Gage has been feeling all weekend.  A leftover cold, cough, fever PLUS a stomach flu of sorts AND new teeth!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day!

I really have no reason to be excited about St. Patrick's Day.  I am not Irish and do not like to drink or really have ever officially celebrated St. Patty's Day.  (Although I do remember one time when I was a kid having green powdered donuts in celebration.)  My favorite color is green, though, does that count?  Anyway, I do like dressing my kid up for the Holidays though and I'm actually pretty sad I didn't get a picture of his 2nd Thanksgiving and/or Christmas shirts.  So, here is Gage looking pretty cute in his St. Patty's 2011 outfit.  Enjoy! 

Mommy's little Leprechaun

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Mason!

Today Mason at Adventures of Wee Mason Man turns the big 0-1!  I have been reading Mason's Mommy's blog for quite a while now.  She is the queen of winning giveaways and her posts are a good mix of  their every day lives as well as pictures and antics of little Mason.  I am sure that she'll have quite a few to share of Mason's 1st birthday.  Head on over and check out the festivities.  Happy Birthday Mason!

Wordless Wednesday- PG13 Edition

Gage loves to look at the 'beh-bee' magazine

Monday, March 14, 2011

16 months!

Dearest Gage,

You are 16 months old today and my, how you've grown in the last 2 months!  You are officially a 'toddler' now that you can walk- and walk everywhere, at that.  You even went out to the playground w/ the walker class today and they said you did great!  This week you transition into the 'big boy' classroom.  I am worried b/c you are soo soo little and most of the boys in the class will be turning 2 in May.  They are literally running circles around you!  I am hoping you will learn quick.  I have a feeling I have some accident reports in my future. 

Since you are officially a big boy now, Daddy and I will be turning your carseats around this weekend so you can sit front ways.  I think you finally broke the 21lb. mark.  I wanted to wait as long as I could and probably should wait much later, but I think you will enjoy your new big boy view.  Since your last letter (I know, it's been 60 days), the tubes have worked WONDERS. What people say is true!  Not that I would've asked for tubes and surgery for my little guy for no reason, but within a week of getting the tubes you started to sleep through the night and have only been up once or twice since then.  It has been amazing and I'm sure you are much happier.  Now we just have teeth to contend with.  You are getting your 5th tooth in at 16 months.  You are also down to 1 nap a day, mostly b/c the 'big boy' room at daycare is forcing it upon us.  With only one nap a day, unfortunately your new bed time is around 630pm during the week.  You are an expert at your bottle now, which is old news at this point.  You appetite is growing a little, but you still hate veggies and chicken.  You are on a hummus kick and love to eat it with crackers.  You still love yogurt, applesauce, bananas, waffle, turkey and grilled cheese sandwiches.  You like pasta now also, which might be a way for me to sneak in some veggies, too.

You are still wearing your 12 month clothes and they are getting pretty old.  You've been wearing them for over 6 months now!  You are getting longer and I think you might be able to start wearing some 12-18 month clothes, but probably not 18 mo. quite yet.  I bought you some for the summer, hopefully you'll be able to wear them by then.  You are right under 2 1/2 feet tall and according to our scale here, you weigh 21lbs. 3oz.  You're probably still a bit under 21lbs., but we won't tell anyone!  We have been getting outside a lot lately, which you LOVE and going to the playgrounds to play.  I can't wait to take you to different parks this summer and watch you learn to navigate them.  You went down the slide all by yourself yesterday at the park and you thought it was grand!  You still LOVE to read and now will bring us books to read to you.  You love to listen to music, as always and will now sign it when you want to hear some.  Your new favorite toy is the cardboard box that your table/chairs came in and you still love Biscuit and your Fridge Farm.  Your newest thing though is to throw mini temper tantrums.  You have discovered your opinion and now sometimes will be quite dramatic if you don't get your way.  You also have become a bit attached to Mommy and Daddy and sometimes cry when we leave.

Your vocabulary grows every day and you have way more than 30 words now.  I swear you say something new every day.  Your latest attempts (although far from the actual words, are butterfly and dinosaur).  You can say 'please' and 'thank you' and 'teacher'.  You pretty much ask for what you want, which makes life a lot easier, for sure.  Your favorite past time is taking a bath and you ask for one every day now.  You've been on a pretty good run lately and haven't been too sick. You had a small bout with another stomach flu in Feb., but other than that have been fairly healthy.  You have been super snotty the last few days and still drool like a faucet.  We've had a few play dates lately and I hope they'll be more plentfiul as the weather gets nicer.  I can't wait until we can pull you in your new wagon.  (Grandma and Grandiddy are bringing it up in a few weeks).

It's crazy to think that the next time I write this letter, you will be a year and a half!  Where has the time gone?  You will be SO BIG by then.  In the next few months, I hope to get you out to the park more, take you on your 1st non-OBX vacation and take you to the circus for the 1st time!  I'm sure there will be so many more 1sts coming up this summer.  Gage, I love you with all my heart and as always, you amaze us each and every day.  Only 3 more months 'til we can spend another awesome summer together!  Ahh, the memories!

Love, Bobby

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thanks Mom!

Ladies and Gents(?)- Mom came through for me!  I knew she had it somewhere!  And it was in fact 20 years ago!  I couldn't remember exactly but I was spot on....enjoy.  I won't call Bonnie out or anything, but we are standing next to each other, even then....looks like you might have to click on it to get the full effect.

Happy Birthday Bonnie!

I believe I have known my friend Bonnie since the 5th grade when we played basketball together.  That was almost 20 years ago, which seems crazy to think I have had friends that long- over 2/3rds of my life.  I really wish I could find a picture of our team that year(can you find one, Mom?), our hair was awesome!  Anyway, Bonnie and I didn't go to school together at the time but were reunited in high school and have been friends ever since.  Bonnie even lived in Utah for a while to attend college, but we remained close.  Today I am happy to wish her a very Happy 31st birthday!  Head on over to "Three Men and a Lady" to check out the latest happenings of her 2 sweet little boys and hubby and to wish her a great day!  Happy Birthday Bonnie!

I also would be remiss if I didn't wish one of my very best friends, Paul a Happy Birthday, too!  Have a great one!

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Department Store of Life

I have been dying to post about this commercial forEVER, but for some reason have never sat down to do it.  How many of you have seen the BeYaz birth control commercial that clearly shows how much fun you CAN'T have if you choose to have kids?

You clearly can NOT go to grad school (which I did, while pregnant and which many of you are doing now after already having kids.) And Ladies, don't even think about going to Europe EVER in your lives, because with kids it's just not possible. Also, I don't know about you, but the Internet connection from this hotel I live in sucks late at night, because obviously you could never dream of owning a house if you were a Mom. Finally, it has been a dream of mine for quite a while now to see a waterfall....guess I missed my chance. Noone told me I had to do that before I got pregnant!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday- What's up w/ this?

Mommy bought me this table....she said I'd love it...but I think it's made for giants.

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Week of Firsts...

This first week of March has been a long one, but a productive one.  Gage has hit a few 'milestones' this week and it's just amazing to me, as I always say, how much he is learning every day.  On Tuesday, Gage had his first REAL haircut, not just Mommy and Daddy chopping off long strands in the bathtub.  He did awesome and looks so handsome!  He doesn't have much hair, but it sure looks better now that it's even and not in his face.

We also had a much needed playdate this week, not a 1st, but definitely still fun!  I'm sure you remember Sawyer from last summer.  Sawyer 10 mos., Gage 16 mos.

As of this week, Gage is officially walking.  He walks all the way across the room and is walking to get  to places now, not just b/w couches, tables, to toys, etc.  Gage is transitioning into the toddler room the week after next in daycare and has to be able to walk in order to do this....we were worried he would be delayed.  We are feeling less nervous now and his new teachers have even been in the baby classroom to spend time with him this week.

Although vocabulary is nothing new for Gage, he has made quite a few strides this week.  I stopped posting how many words he has b/c it was getting out of hand and I couldn't keep up, but some of his new ones this week are 'really?', 'stop', 'clock' and my personal favorite, after getting his hair cut and having someone hold the door open for us....'thank you'.  I have to say I was pretty shocked.  Another vocab first and probably more exciting than thank you, Gage said 'Bobby' today when I came home!  Nothing like a day w/ your Daddy to miss your 'Bobby';)  (As you all know, Gage hasn't said Mommy yet to me and also can't say a 'b' sound.  But hearing Bobby today was pretty exciting since it was a first!)
Gage seems to also be understanding alot more as of late.  He obviously has good expressive language skills and uses his words in context, however, I was a little worried about his receptive language.  He wasn't able to point at things in books when I asked him or didn't seem to understand when I said 'bring me this or that'.  He always pointed and named things, but wouldn't do it if I said 'point to the star....'.  This week he has started to do it, it takes him a few seconds to process what I ask, but he is damn accurate when he does respond.  Yesterday I asked him to point to Mommy and after a few seconds, he turned around, pointed right at me and said 'Bobby!'
Finally, probably not a 'milestone', but we still think it's pretty darn cute, Gage can now tell you what a duck, cow, pig, cat, sheep, elephant and snake say.  The snake and elephant are my personal favorites.  I'm hoping to get it on video soon.  Have a wonderful weekend. 

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