Gage looked very handsome in his Easter outfit and we got tons of sweet pictures from today. We didn't do much other than go to church (where Gage was of course the best baby ever) but it was nice to spend some family time together. We did take a walk while Daddy mowed the lawn but it was pretty hot so we didn't go too far. Both Grandma Sandy and Grandma Penny made Gage Easter baskets (see pictures) and the Easter Bunny left Gage the froggy basket and the bopping penguin.
This is Gage with a bunny Grandma Penny bought him and a chick Grandma Sandy sent him. As you can see, he is fond of both.
This is the basket and penguin mentioned above.
Here is the sweetest picture that I snagged today of Gage and his Daddy hanging out. Gage thinks he is the greatest!
Finally, all the Easter fun wore Gage out- this was him at the end of the day still trying to play but barely hanging on.
Here's a picture I took w/ my phone while on our walk, so it's probably pretty blurry...but still cute.

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