Let's see....yes, we got back from TX on a Tuesday night and had to be back at work/daycare the next morning. That was only 2 weeks ago, yet seems like months ago since I have been attempting to cram 27 hours of work into each day lately. Following our return from TX on a Tuesday, Friday night we headed south for a weekend at the beach. We had this trip planned for months and wouldn't have normally piled 2 right on top of each other. Anyway, it was a beautiful weekend and Gage enjoyed the sand and water. He felt right at home with the sound of the ocean in the background as he napped for almost 2 hours one day! The water wasn't quite warm enough yet, but in August, he will have a blast splashing around. Mommy and Daddy got to go out to eat while Grandma and Grandiddy babysat. Mulligan's was yummy as always. The weekend would have been perfect, if I hadn't puked my guts out Sunday night and been miserable the entire way home on Monday. I swear, I have been sicker in the last 6 months than I have in the last 6 years. BUT, Gage hasn't been sick at all and not many mamas-to-half-year-old-babies-that-go-to-daycare can say that.
Since we've been home, I have been desperately trying to complete grad school work (which almost officially ended yesterday). This kept me up half the night, while I continued to get sicker and sicker. I slept in Wed. am b/c I felt awful but had missed too many days of school lately, so I had to suck it up and push through. Getting 5 hours of sleep each night didn't help and I was miserable yesterday. This morning I felt even worse and finally went to the doctor and as I had suspected all along they said it was a combo of a viral cold and allergies and there was nothing they could give me. Eh, so much for that. Now that grad school's over, I'll make it.
Other than my being sick, my 1st official Mother's Day was wonderful. Luke made me chocolate chip pancakes and eggs this morning and Gage gave me a gift card for a spa day. As soon as I'm well, I can't wait to use it! We just hung out around the house. If I had been feelin' a little better and the wind hadn't been blowing as much, we would have gone for a walk or something, but spending a relaxing day with my boys was just as good. Tomorrow it is back to the grind. Gage and I are hoping to hit up the pool tom. afternoon to prepare for the start of swim lessons next Monday. We'll keep you posted on what he thinks of it all.
I definitely feel like I missed something. Here are the pics from the beach. OMG, Gage will be 6 months old on Friday! Crazy!
Gage relaxing on the beach blanket
Gage sporting his new swim trunks, after having eaten and rolled in the sand
Gage sitting with Grandma Penny
Daddy and Gage checking out the waves
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