as if you needed one. Anyway, the New York Times had a pretty cool article on a new finding in the research on breastfeeding, so keep it up ladies! I'm worried my time is coming to an's to 9 months and counting...
Good luck with weaning. We're at 12 months with no end in sight. My kids aren't big bottle fans so they're left with just me.
Congratulations for nursing for 9 months! I'm still nursing my 16 month old and she doesn't seem the least bit interested in giving it up anytime soon. I'm hoping she'll at least cut back on a few feedings during the day so I can get a little more of a break, but I am in no way ready for her to quit just yet. The benefits are awesome for the both of us so I have no problem nursing even now. :)
Thanks so much for stopping by my place. It's always nice to meet a fellow breastfeeding mom. Congrats again on 9 months of breastfeeding bliss. Your little guy is adorable.
Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud
PS Following you via Google Friend Connect!
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