A few weeks back when I was at my Mom's house, Gage took a liking to a teething toy that she had bought him. (He doesn't seem to like many teething toys since he has no teeth.) This was a teether by Sassy. Many of you might know the brand, although their products don't seem to be too plentiful in our area. In any case, we left the teether at Grandma's for when he goes to visit there and I set out to find one when we got home since he seemed to have a sudden urge to chew on everything even if it was HARD plastic. I found the exact toy at Target and brought it home, only to find out that unfortunately it was affixed to its packaging so well that the teether actually burst when I tried to get it off the cardboard. I had already thrown out the receipt and Target takes nothing back w/o one, so I thought I would email the company just for the hell of it. Mind you, I have never had good customer service experience anywhere and most of the time I only get angrier when I try to interact with such people, so I sent an email never expecting to hear a reply....and promptly forgot about the situation.
I didn't get an email back...but just three days later I received in the mail a SASE and a letter from Sassy stating that I could return the defective product for an immediate exchange! Holy crap, I didn't get an email saying they were sorry, I actually got amazing customer service and they were going to REPLACE my defective item. Many of you may be thinking, yeah, that's what they should do....however, again, that's not usually my experience with such requests/problems. Anyway, I was very excited that they were so prompt and were willing to exchange the product; however, in my haste I threw the teether away because I was so annoyed. Again, I emailed the company to tell them what fine customer service they had but that I had unforunately thrown away the item. Again, didn't think twice about it....other than the thought crossed my mind to blog about it b/c I thought it was a useful piece of information.
Fast forward to today, roughly a week or so later, I received another package from Sassy- this time with a replacement teether! What?? Really? How nice! (I can't find a picture of the teether, but you can head on over to their site and check out their products.) I didn't even send the defective one back and got another one and a nice letter saying that customer service is really important to them. I knew then that I just had to blog about this company.
I have a few other products from them and I know I have seen their teethers and high chair toys in lots of my friends houses, but I didn't know about some of the other really cool products they made until I sat down tonight to browse through their website. They have some really neat stuff that I'd love to get my hands on! I encourage you to check them out as well. Sassy is a Michigan based company that has everything from bath toys, to teethers to bowls and utensils. Each of their products is designed with your baby's milestones and development in mind. I have only gotten a quick peek at what they offer but am excited to really examine their website and find retailers in my area. Perhaps you guys can head on over and find something that might fit the needs of the baby in your life as well. At least you know you are in good hands if you need customer service!
Now maybe I'll just have to talk them into letting me do a product review and giveaway!

That's awesome that they were willing to replace their product. Something similar happened to me with our Graco swing. The motor died, but I didn't have a receipt since it was a gift. So I called them and they sent me a new motor, express shipped, free of charge. Now I'm a Graco customer for life.
That's so great when companies actually care about their customers like that! They did the right thing and that's such a nice thing to see!
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