Before I even post tonight, I am so stoked to have recieved a blog award from Jennifer at
More than a MOMMY. I am fairly new to the blogging world and want to get more involved. This made me feel sooo special, thanks Jennifer! By the way, you
need to visit her blog, she is hilarious! Anyway, she awarded me with the Beautiful Blog Award and I must pass it on to 7 people, so here goes.
My winners are for their variations of beauty:
Kerri at
Party of Five
Casey at
All Because Two People Fell in Love
Natalie at
Pics and Kicks (this one will really pull at your heartstrings)
Bonnie at
Our Crazy Life
Mandy at
Twice Blessed
Brittany at
Hairy Babies
Laura at
Please check out their blogs. They are all entertaining to read and fun to look at!
You're welcome!
Hi Amy - thanks so much for the award! How sweet of you! Glad to know I'm not the only one skeeved out by "denim" diapers - and, baby Gage is one handsome fella!
Thanks Amy for the blog award! As for the post about Gage teething (or not teething)..he might be still. It seems those little teeth will raise and go back down and raise and go back down. I think we had a good two weeks of solid teething before one finally broke the skin. Now that it has...I wouldn't wish that on anyone! My child will not hardly sleep anywhere but in my arms, then sometimes that's not even good enough! I can't wait for that little tooth to make it all the way in. Good luck!
thanks girl! you are so sweet!!
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