Last week on Wednesday/Thursday we started our weekly play dates with Sawyer. I think I have mentioned Sawyer quite a few times now and yet no pictures, I know, I am bad. I will try and do that this Thursday. On Friday night, we went to a friend's for dinner. They have a 2 year old and one on the way, so it wasn't exactly a play date, plus Gage went to bed shortly after we got there. Either way, it was nice to have an adult dinner. On Sunday, Gage's "Aunt" Kelly came to visit and I'm so ticked I didn't get ANY pictures of them together. What was I thinking? He doesn't see Kelly very often and maybe I was so excited b/c I don't either but shame on me for not getting any pictures of the 2 of them. I guess I could Photoshop one together;)...ha, or just wait for next time:(
Yesterday we went to lunch w/ an old college friend of mine and Gage was a dear, as usual. We almost drown (from rain) but that is a whole other post. Finally, as you know Gage started 3 meals a day last week and this week is starting finger foods. We have begun giving him puffs and it's pretty hilarious. We'll have to get it on camera while he's still unsure. He has no idea why I'm putting a lump in his mouth and tries to spit it out. He has successfully gotten a few down and has pretended to choke/gag in the process. Oh well, just like anything else, he'll learn with time. I did try a sippy cup today for the 1st time though, w/ just some water in it and he seemed to love it. I guess we'll see how that goes too.
Anyway, we're off to Target when Gage gets up from his nap and tomorrow we have a play date with Theo (I'll promise to get some pictures this time) and Thursday with Sawyer. Fri. am we are supposed to have breakfast with another old college friend of mine and have yet another play date that afternoon with Jamie and Jake at the pool. Fri. pm we're headed down to Grandma and Granddiddy's for the weekend. See you tomorrow, when Gage is EIGHT months old!

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