Kerri is one of the first bloggy friends that I met last year shortly after Gage was born...again on my hunt to find other Mommies in my same situation. We exchanged a few emails and realized we had quite a bit in common. Exactly a week younger than Gage, we have kept in touch ever since and I have LOVED seeing Camden grow up this last year (
and raid Gage's closet occasionally;)) and have enjoyed emailing Kerri at various times about problems/issues that arose. I want to wish her little man, Camden a very Happy Birthday. I can't wait to see pics of the Mickey Mouse party! Did I also mention that Camden is probably one of the cutest kids EVER?? Click here to check our Kerri's awesome blog and to wish Camden the big 0-1!
Awww!!! Thank you so much, Amy!! I still can't get over how much Gage & Camden have in common. I was reading over your 1 year letter to Gage and was nodding my head at so many things, right down to how many teeth they both have and how much they weigh. It's really too bad we don't live closer together. I think they'd be best buddies!
PS- Happy belated to Gage, too. I can't believe they're a year old. How did that happen?!
They would be best buddies....I keep thinking that one day in the OBX I'll just run into you and know exactly who you are! you guys there often?
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