I invite you to join in and at the end of each post you write this month, list a little something you're thankful for. Now, if I was really savvy, I'd have some cute little button you could steal so you could let every know that you were giving 30 Days of Thanks....oh well.
November always makes me think of the holidays, how could you not? As a school teacher, it's the beginning of the days off for us and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. After that, it's my birthday (I know, not a holiday in some parts of the world) and then Christmas and New Year's. Growing up, my entire family lived w/ 15-20 miles of each other and were always able to gather for any holiday, big or small. I grew up close to all of my extended family and have tons of memories b/c of it. The traditions were the same every year and we got the best of both worlds, being able to gather with family every year, yet still being at our house for our holiday every year as well. Living 3 hours from where I grew up and having a child now, I realize that this is something that not every child gets and that many times I probably took it for granted. Today I am thankful for the experiences of having a close knit family who always got to spend the holidays together and made many memories and traditions in the process.

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